Fallout Returns (Day 74)

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For a time, I thought I would drop this series entirely, but something interesting happened when I was playing Fallout 76 during their free trial week. It actually left me wanting to go back and play Fallout 4 some more. Of course, growing tired of the game was not the only reason I dropped off. In addition to finishing my dissertation I have had growing responsibilities to deal with starting my first full time job, and the process of making these posts has always been quite tedious. I have decided to try taking these entries out of written form and instead making videos of my play through, which I will begin posting shortly. For significant observations and musings I might also include a text blurb for those that prefer to read whatever analytical highlights might crop up during certain sessions. In the meantime, to get us from Day 73 to where I pick back up with my first video on Day 79, I’m going to post some entries I had in the backlog. I’ve long since lost the pictures that accompany these, so I will be posting text only.

Day 74

Level 34 (2 perk points floating)

S-3 Armorer 2,

P-(+)11 Awareness 2, Locksmith 3, Rifleman 4


C-6 Lady Killer 1, Local Leader 2

I-9 Chemist 1, Gun Nut 1, Hacker 3, Science 2

A-(+)7 Action Boy 2, Gunslinger 4


(Astoundingly Awesome 3, 4, 7, and 8, Barbarian 6, Covert Operations 2, Gift of Gab, Guns and Bullets, Junktown Vendor 2, Live & Love 1, Massachusetts Surgery, Tesla Science 2, Tumblers Today 2, United We Stand, Wasteland Survival 7 and 9)

Note: In the interest of actually finishing this blog at some point, I am going to summarize certain events rather than give the action by action account of previous posts.

I strongly consider heading back to nearby Goodneighbor to give Kent his Silver Shroud paraphernalia, but this doesn’t seem like a pressing need and I’ve delayed my return to the Diamond City area for quite some time. I check my radio and see a Vault 88 Radio Beacon, listening to it for a bit. Seems there’s another Vault to check out around here somewhere, but only if it’s on my way.

The plan for the day is to go to the Boston Public Library to clear out some supermutants, then possibly reach Diamond City, but things rarely go according to plan in the wasteland. Case in point, we’re not even a block down the street before being ambushed by raiders on both sides. Raiders that are fairly easily repelled, but an attack like that means I have to track down their lairs and eliminate them so they don’t pose further danger.

The building on the South side of the street seems like it had less raiders, so I decide to clear it first. As I’m looting the a few knick-knacks, I get a first taste of random dialogue from Cait: “You like old things, don’t ya? I don’t see the point. That time’s long gone.” The words may seem harsh, but the line is delivered in an understanding way, rather than in judgement. She’s making conversation, rather than Preston’s more derisive attitude.

Next stop is the building on the North side, an architecturally very interesting building where I think the other raiders might have come from. I sneak down an alley to a raider hideout, rather cheerful in its own way with lights strung across a courtyard. I catch them by surprise (the AI has an incredibly short attention span) and kill two before any shots are fired. There’s one left somewhere.

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With their idea of decorations, a set of severed heads on spikes, I feel comfortable in my resolve to hunt the rest down. I spot a nearby chemistry station and get to mixing. As I’m  re-familiarizing myself with the menu, I see some items that require a rank in Chemist. It occurs to me that, as much as my character uses drugs to aid difficult combat situations, it would make sense for him to take a rank of that. He has a 9 Intelligence, after all. Now, I can make two drugs—Jet Fuel and Overdrive—that I previously lacked access to. I also level up in the process of crafting these new concoctions.

I hear the remaining raider says something nearby, so I stop mixing, drop back into stealth and continue exploring. The raider is clearly upstairs inside a nearby building (unfortunately not the architecturally appealing one). We move into the building, labeled as Shenley’s Oyster Bar. Cait suddenly speaks up “Have a minute? Got something on my mind.” A little ways into our conversation a legendary raider starts shooting at us, so I turn and fire three shots, killing her, then the conversation picks right back up as though nothing happened. Humorous as the glitch was, it did make me feel like a badass a bit.

Cait expresses that she’s thrown off by my kindness and can’t help but think I’m expecting something in return. I insist she doesn’t owe me anything, but she says she has a hard time believing that. Finally, she says she’ll think on it and see if she can’t think of some way to repay me.

The legendary raider unfortunately had pretty mediocre loot. The same can be said for the rest of the immediate vicinity, which seems to be the kitchen of the Oyster Bar. Most of the place is boarded up, apart from a staircase up to the roof, where I kill the last raider in his bed before taking a seat to admire my handiwork.

On the way out, I check out a corridor I hadn’t seen yet and am severely crippled by a mine. The hubris! Fortunately, a couple of stimpak injections get me on my way. It’s 3 pm when I catch sight of the library, but before that point I see some naked mannequins in the road. In my experience, naked mannequins nearly always means raiders, but these might be from the ones I just killed.

I discover Trinity Plaza, and a beautiful old building to my left that looks like a church. I just have to check it out. Candles outside suggest raiders. Cages and wire suggest supermutants.

I don’t have to think a second after entering to know Trinity Church is the lair of some supermutants. The bloody bags piled in shopping carts just inside the door are a dead giveaway. If you could smell a game, Trinity church would reek of blood and decay.

I see them gathered in the sanctuary, pull out my sniper rifle, and go to town. It’s a drawn out fight, and I take a bit of damage, largely from the legendary and the butcher with a mini-gun. Supermutants are some of the only opponents that still give me trouble in the game. Still, using cover and waiting to step out and fire in between mini-gun bursts, I win the day.

Now I can go a little slower and investigate the place. Supermutants always ruin some of the most beautiful buildings. Though I guess it was already ruined when most of the floor collapsed into the sub level.

I move carefully around to the front of the sanctuary to loot the bodies. The minigun is a nice get, and the legendary had a nice chest piece that makes lock picking easier, though still not as useful as my current armor. The treasure is on the podium: a copy of Astoundingly Awesome Tales: Rise of the Mutants, which gives me +5% damage against Super Mutants.

There are stairs to the right, as well as behind where the choir would sit. I decide to follow those first. There’s an overdue book down here, but not much else. “Leave that junk behind! You’re just wasting space!” Cait declares. Ok, Cait. I thought you were cool. Maybe you’re more like Preston after all.

Turns out, the two staircases meet in the same place, and there’s a nice locked tool case behind them, and more stairs up to a second floor. On one side, we seem to be in a sort of backstage area where curtains and lighting might have been operated from. Cait speaks up, “Tommy tried to introduce scenery into the matches at combat zone. Took about 5 minutes before we started taking pieces and using them for weapons.” It seems a fitting bit of dialogue, and I wonder if it is programmed to appear only at certain locations relevant to it. If so, I’m impressed by the developer’s decision, as it really lends some realism to the character.

There’s a locked storage room upstairs with wine, as might be expected, but also drugs, guns, and Super Mutant wrist wraps. Clearly this has been used for storage by numerous groups since the war. On the other side, there are stairs up and down, though the stairs up lead to nothing interesting. The stairs down are part of another stairwell I noted earlier, and ultimately to the lower level.

This is where the nursery, storage, and additional rooms of the church such as classrooms were, and there’s some decent but not exceptional loot until you get to the back where there’s another couple of overdue books and an open safe full of goodies. I exit the church via a cellar door I must have missed previously, because it opens out onto the street I came down.

It’s dark now, after 10:30 p.m, so I go back inside and decide to stay the evening in the church nursery, where I recalled seeing some big comfy chairs.

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