Fallout Day 69

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It’s been a long hiatus, but with the Doomsday Clock inching closer to midnight, it seems appropriate to do what I’ve been meaning to and start this up again. This post is actually one I prepared back in November and never posted, but in the interest of continuity, I’m posting it now. I will continue this in the old style, but I have a slightly altered approach to any subsequent posts.


Day 69
Level 33 (2 perk points floating)
S-3 Armorer 2,
P-(+)11 Awareness, Locksmith 3, Rifleman 4
C-6 Lady Killer 1, Local Leader 2
I-9 Gun Nut 1, Hacker 3, Science 2
A-(+)7 Action Boy 2, Gunslinger 4
(Astoundingly Awesome 3, 7, and 8, Barbarian 6, Covert Operations 2, Gift of Gab, Guns and Bullets, Junktown Vendor 2, Massachusetts Surgery, Tesla Science 2, Tumblers Today 2, United We Stand, Wasteland Survival 7 and 9)


Another morning in Goodneighbor, and a good day for inventory management, I sell some stuff and then realize I have a potential armor improvement if I can just get enough leather to modify this Combat Armor Right Arm to be pocketed. I scrap/buy some things, but then realize if I spend a bit more I can make it Deep Pocketed for even more carrying capacity. It’s probably not worth the extra 200 caps I spent, but it lets me head back on the road with an upgrade and a bit more space for carrying items today.



After that, it’s almost noon, but me and Preston are back on the Freedom Trail! Picking up where I left off, I see where the train I was in last night is hanging over this courtyard. I move onward, wary of supermutants, and find myself near Faneuil Hall. There’s another trail marker here, 5R marked on this one. The plaque is in the middle of a large bonfire that mysteriously never seems to go out. The Cradle of Liberty, most recently inhabited by supermutants.



I find a missile launcher on one of the supermutants I killed previously which should fetch some good caps. This prompts me to go ahead and eat the grilled radstag I prepared to up my carry weight. I walk around the Hall and find only one supermutant remaining on the outside, at least on the ground level. Next step is fire escape infiltration.


The fire escape didn’t have roof access, but I found a lot of good ammo and a laser rifle. Front door it is! The place sounds like it’s swarming with supermutants, so I will make good use of these protectrons. With the help of three very good protectrons, we clear several supermutants from the ground floor. The protectrons seem to have trouble moving beyond to the upstairs, however, where I can still here the supermutants taunting.



There’s an expert wall safe in the locked cashier room with some decent ammo and old world cash in it, and the chemistry station on the other side of the room is good for chems, but the loot is not astounding. I cook up a batch of drugs with several buffjet, bufftats, psychobuff, psychojet, and buffjet combinations, as well as some grape mentats. About this time, the protectrons finally make their move to the second floor, and I head up to join the shootout. We prevail once more.


I head back down and continue to look around. There’s an elevator that I will leave for now, as well as a manager’s terminal. The Marketplace Reports mainly concern these badass, if dangerous, protectrons that were installed to reduce shoplifting and then happened to kill a bunch of shoplifters. Funny, they’ve been letting me loot the place dry. They must think I work here. There are some humorous meeting notes on the terminal as well.


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Upstairs on the 2nd floor, I find the museum in shambles. “One day we’ll put this back together. Better than ever!” Preston states, optimistically. I chuckle at his patriotism as I search through the ruins and find a revolutionary sword, which would be cool if I were a melee character. The nearby elevator shaft holds several supermutant corpses and I have no idea how they got there or what killed. them. Directly opposite, the bathroom has a booby trap in the stall, but not anything useful.



In the main hall, we find the landmark somewhat faithfully reproduced, so far as I can tell, but now in a ruined state, as well as tainted by disgusting supermutant blood bags. This is one of the areas where the Fallout games are particularly interesting in terms of their relationship to the real world. For certain landmarks, they include details that will call directly on any real-world experiences of the places one may have, and Faneuil Hall is particularly well done here, with slight alterations in some of the paintings. I have not personally experienced Faneuil hall, so cannot speak to any emotional impact seeing it in this state might have.



Upstairs brings some more decent ammo loot. At the top of the stairs, I can see where one of my robots finally fell. I kind of feel bad about it. Those protectrons really helped me out in here. Just past my fallen comrade, as if reading my mind and rubbing it in, the game has left a new magazine for my perusal in the waiting room: Live & Love: Fabulous 1st Issue, Life Long Best Friends! It depicts a boy and a robot walking hand in hand into the sunset along a beach. It also gives my Companions +10 health. This would be my permanent companions, my companions with a capital C, not anything that happens to be allied with me, so it wouldn’t have done the protectron any good.



There’s a pretty tough supermutant with an assault rifle up here, but I take it out. It might not have been a problem, except that Preston got in my way in the middle of the fight. I wish the NPC companion script was as good as the synth patroller combat scrip. Beyond some good ammo loot, a ladder leads up to the roof.


It’s late at night by the time I exit Faneuil Hall and survey the scenery. It seems I’m unable to make more than one location a day, and the Freedom trail will take me quite a long time. At the very top, the dome has collapsed, and the famous Gilded Grasshopper is mine for the taking. Upon taking it, I receive and item called “Food for the Grasshopper” as well as a quest of the same name, with the first task to read that item. It appears to be some papers written in 1742, which is an interesting change of pace. I don’t really understand most of it, who wrote it, or for what purpose, but I do understand “On the bands of the Charles, where forever rests Master Shem, there one can find a life’s worth” as a pretty clear hidden treasure indicator. Helpfully, but also disappointingly in terms of not having to solve a puzzle, an indicator on the map gives me the location. It’s not too far north of here, but definitely out of the way. I’ll have to decide when to pursue this.



Having explored very little extra territory today, I head back to Goodneighbor to sell my loot and rest for the evening.

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