Fallout Day 54

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Level 28 (2 Perk points floating)
S-3 Armorer 2,
P-(+)11 Awareness, Locksmith 3, Rifleman 2
C-6 Lady Killer 1, Local Leader 2
I-6 Gun Nut 1, Hacker 3, Science 2
A-(+)7 Action Boy 2, Gunslinger 4
(Astoundingly Awesome 7 and 8, Barbarian 5, Covert Operations 2, Gift of Gab, Guns and Bullets, Junktown Vendor 2, Massachusetts Surgery, Tesla Science 2, Tumblers Today, Wasteland Survival 7 and 9)


I wake early, but well-rested. Rather than head out immediately, I decide to make sure there’s nothing else I missed. I find an elevator with Jacq’s terminal connected to it. As I would expect from her character (which I’m starting to like even though she’s dead) this is a hand-built terminal. The journal details a touching story of the events that led to the end for this settlement, and the mail further emphasizes the paranoia in the town. I also open a remote door somewhere. Finally, there’s a holotape with Jacq’s apologies to her father and that she’s going back in to find the rest of the data and give the institute what they want.













I give the place another once over and exit the building on the top floor at the back to see if there’s anything I can find in the ruins of the outside. I step out as the sun peeks over the water on the horizon. Seagulls squawk nearby. Walking a narrow ledge to my right I find a sleeping bag and a safe next to it. There’s nothing else out here other than some mirelurk eggs down by the water.




Going back through the building and stepping out front, I can tell there was a sizable settlement here—now empty. It has all the makings of a fairly sophisticated settlement as well, including crops and a few aesthetic touches like hanging lights.




I make my way up a collapsed shack and start walking across shack roofs to get a better view. Soon, I find the town’s not quite empty. There’s another synth patroller around. I duck down, but too late as it is already on to me. By the time I have my rifle out, there’s no time to snipe, so I use VATS. I’m not liking the damage I’m doing so I execute a critical on the last shot. He’s still up though, maybe one shot from death. He’s not hitting me from where he is so he moves closer. Once again, I am really impressed by how sophisticated the synth patroller’s combat maneuvers are. They move fast, shooting as covering fire, dodging in and out of cover themselves. This one came across the square, used some posts as cover, then broke out again to get at a good position on me in a nearby shack with plenty of cover. I finally took him out without much damage to myself, but it involved some dodging behind cover on my part and some careful timing.




The destruction here looks like it was intentional and complete. I find a skeleton in the ruined shack that I no longer assume is from the war. I duck into a liquor store, but the almost unreadable sign on the building says bakery so I wonder if this is also more recent, yet another well appointed post-apocalyptic town like Diamond City. Inside, apart from alcohol, is an expert safe with some fairly good loot, including a couple of stealth boys. I haven’t had to use stealth boys much, but if nothing else they’re a high-value item that doesn’t weigh too much.


I also find Sylvia’s holotape, which contains a message to her from someone reminding her about the Institute being real despite what the young folks think, that she was old enough to remember the attacks. He feels for the girl as well (Jacq, I assume), but argues for giving her and her father up and letting the Institute have whatever they want. I move upstairs, disarming a frag mine, and find some connected catwalks to the next building where there’s another corpse.




Downstairs is, perhaps, some sort of weapons shop. There’s a shooting gallery type setup and a weapons workbench, as well as a stand of some sort outside. More importantly, there are four fusion cores in an ammo box, which is my biggest fusion core score of all time.




On my way back across the quad, there’s another corpse in an open-air shack. I get the feeling the Institute killed everyone. It seems so unnecessary. I can’t imagine how this helped their plans any, and thus far they’ve seemed more subtle manipulators than the revenge for disobeying them type. Whatever that data contains must be a real threat to them.




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The building across the way looks like it was grand architecture in its time. Clearly a café or student hangout spot at one time with a Slocum’s Joe in it. The five corpses directly inside suggest it was used in a similar manner by the settlement here. This was a huge settlement. Out the back door I find the rubble of a ruined parking garage with only a small caps stash and a good view of the highway to recommend it.






Back inside, I skip the terminal unlocking the Credit Union for the moment and head upstairs. There’s a dead synth on the stairs, and I’m glad these poor folks killed at least one of their attackers. At the top floor, I find the Mayor’s terminal. I check the town council logs. One is corrupted, but the next gives me a password to a vault somewhere, as well as revealing a fairly sophisticated system of governance. There are also minutes for the meeting debating the arrival of the visitor from the Institute.




The emails are even more revealing about the infighting and paranoia facing the town towards the end. Clearly they are reacting out of fear, while a few try to keep a level head. Whatever the case, nothing could save them in the end. The holotape is more revealing… I can’t be sure, but from the sound of the voice I believe the visitor might have been Kellogg. If so, I’m back to thoroughly hating him now. I also almost want to grab Valentine and take him here, see if it triggers anything.










Around the corner, I find another corpse. Surely Kellogg by himself couldn’t have done this much damage… although I suppose I could by myself so I won’t put it past him. Another corpse hangs outside, shot down at his guard tower and drooped over the railing. A more creatively displayed corpse sits on a table in a back room. And through a hole in the floor I can see another on the otherwise inaccessible floor below. Jumping down, I find an open wall safe with some fairly impressive loot. For some reason, Preston admires me after this. There’s no way out, so I have to jump out the open wall to the ground below and head back into the building from there.





As I head to unlock the University Credit Union terminal, Preston asks if I have a minute. He apologizes for asking me to be general of the Minutemen, saying he had no right to expect me to take that on and still doesn’t know why I said yes. He thanks me for all I’ve done and says we make a good team. This endears him to me a tad bit more, but he still annoys me. The terminal is easy to unlock, so I head in.




There’s a lot of pre-war money in here, and another room that I can’t get to right now, but there’s a back stairway I suspect may lead there. Actually it leads to another caged area, which is fortunately open. A corpse is slumped at the nearby kitchen table. My grilled radstag wears off, so I have another for dinner. Have to keep that carry weight up. This will leave me with two more.




Just past this is the vault they spoke of, easily unlocked since I have the password. There’s some loot out in the open here, but the best is quit a bit of ammo in a Master safe and an Advanced safe. Another Master safe contains a button which is just begging to be pressed, though I worry about the consequences. My curiosity gets the better of me, so I save and push it. Only as a nearby panel opens revealing some underground lab do I recall that this place was mentioned in the old emails related to the mysterious Professor Campbell.





The place is smaller than I expected it to be, what with all the talk of military involvement, but there is an amazing find on the table. Prototype UP77 seems to be a laser pistol… but one with (the text claims) unlimited ammo capacity. Once I get past my excitement I realize that this probably doesn’t mean I don’t need ammo to shoot it, but rather that I never have to reload as long as I have ammo… it is all loaded into the gun at once. It has much better damage than my Institute laser, and is only slightly worse in other aspects. There’s also a back tunnel leading out of the lab, but wherever it leads it is caved in now.





It’s nearing dark, and I’m at my carry limit already, so I decide to fast travel back to The Castle and rest there for the night. I will clear University Point tomorrow, then fast travel as close as I can to the kidnapping to help out. Institute investigation trumps kidnapping, particularly since I doubt how quickly I get to the quest will actually matter.

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