Fallout Day 23

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I wake well rested and me and MacReady head out. Goodneighbor is quiet this morning, but as soon as we are out of the town’s gates nearby gunfire can be heard. It’s an uninterrupted walk to the Massachusetts State House. Over the distant gunfire I hear MacReady say “We need to get the hell out of here… unless you like being killed.” But it’s early and I’m feeling confident. Why not check it out?


It looks uninhabited inside, and the structure is caved in at some points, but we can climb debris to the second floor where there’s a laser trip wire. There’s a corpse on the other side and distinct skittering in the background. I open the door and it is a moment before a mirelurk spawn comes into view. I wonder what it’s doing this far from water, then kill it. Another corpse, this one with a note. Apparently this man was taken by a group of raiders because he could read and help them uncover the valuables in the building. He was telling them what they want to hear to stay alive, but it apparently didn’t work.




The nearby terminal has some information in the form of emails. Some problems stemming from old plumbing in the basement, and some notes about a birthday, a baseball game, and other goings on. Under archived entries, there are more notes. Another note about the plumbing, some financial discrepancies with increased military spending, the note about the owner of the terminal, Robert, quitting, and some complaints about an office romance. This is a fairly typical example of how Fallout sets its moods and tells its stories. The atmosphere of military expansion and paranoia, people living their daily lives before the bombs, and perhaps some clue of more still to uncover (in this case possibly something in the basement).








I cook some things on the nearby cooking station and continue my exploration. The next area leads to the bathrooms, where mirelurk spawn are, quite literally, coming out of the woodwork. Then full grown mirelurks easy enough to dispatch. Down here there’s a bed, cigarettes, beer bottles, and a picture surrounded by candles. A nice atmospheric touch. The nearby terminal belongs to Governor Graham. In addition to the mass emails also on the other terminal, there’s one about artifact storage which catches my eye, as well as some others that speak to the character of the man.






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Finally, after another mirelurk, we hear some raiders talking. That they don’t think something is up after hearing the gun shots is a testament to how poor the NPC scripting still is in these games. I don’t exactly need or want AI that’s going to outsmart me at every turn, but a little bit more common sense would be preferable. Perhaps just a simple script to have them on guard after guns are fired in an abandoned building. Footsteps, melee combat, and the like they might just chalk up to the mirelurks, but gunshots are a pretty distinctive sound.




Suddenly, the tunnel opens into a wide pit of caved in floor, with glowing fungi down below just as an explosion sounds. I creep to the edge and there is another explosion. Looks like the only way forward is to dive. I’m not prepared for a fight with a mirelurk hunter, and after some backpedaling I die. Time to try again, with some chems. Some psychojet does the trick and I take it down, barely. It takes all my ammo though. Heavy rads in here. I pop some rad-x a radaway and another encounter means I use a glowing blood pack for more rad resistance and some health. These must be the artifacts, but they’re just a bunch of paintings, nothing I can use. MacReady starts complaining about feeling sick so I put a Radaway in his inventory. I have no idea if he’ll use it.


I switch to my laser rifle and take down more hatchlings. I take some mirelurk eggs along the way. I’ve no idea how useful they’ll be, but I’ve never seen any before. Hopefully they don’t hatch in my inventory, but that would be an interesting development. I soon find out they weigh a pound each so I drop most of them. I find an assault rifle, some good ammo, and a terminal which has been rigged up down here to override an emergency door in the room I first dropped down into. I don’t plan on carrying the assault rifle around, but I have ammo for it so I may as well use it to clear the way to the door. Mirelurks have come out of the area. Just as I kill the mirelurk and jump down, the mirelurk queen explodes out of the central area. This is going to be, well, death.




On a reload, there’s another legendary Mirelurk where there had been a regular one before. That’s an interesting feature of this game. Reloading will sometimes spawn different enemies. I’m not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, it keeps a sense of surprise. It does sometimes negate going back and planning how to tackle a fight better, however. The new tough foe doesn’t negate the Mirelurk Queen either. This is going to take all my chems. I run all around the room and used enough psychojet and psychobuff to slow time and increase my endurance and action points that I became addicted. Even still I only barely made it through the fight. Guess I should have listened to MacReady.


Through the door I come to a room with a terminal, disarm a bottlecap mine, and take a look. Just more complaints about the plumbing, this time from the repair guy. As I head back down the hall there’s a thump from under the floorboard ahead, dust blown off from it, then closer. Something is heading down the hall towards me under the floor! It’s an exciting moment. After hours of play the game can still surprise me with scripting I haven’t seen before. I duck back into the room just as another mirelurk bursts out from the floor and take it out as it enters.


More mines ahead. Raiders must be close. I round a corner and one-shot both raiders at the top of a ramp of debris. How did they even make it this far? Every step I take now causes suspicion from the raiders upstairs. Seems like with the gunshots this close they’d know for sure something was up. This game has amazing scripting and terrible scripting sitting back to back. I head upstairs and one-shot two more through the railing. A lady raider mutters “Please don’t let it be ferals again.” She walks right into my crosshairs as I crouch five feet away. I finally get shot a couple of times after starting a fight with three raiders upstairs, one tougher than the rest. Still, it’s nothing too bad. I find a nearby weapons bench and improve some of my favorite weapons, hoping I’m saving enough materials to still build a power armor station or two. I find more good loot and a key upstairs to the next area.


I’m now at the top of the big room I fought in earlier. How the raiders weren’t shooting at me from up here I have no idea. Across the way, I’m attacked by a dog wearing some kind of armor. I vaporize it with my laser rifle and take the armor. My dog will look nice in it. Finely, I find a raider worth fighting. He must have been the one that got them past everything else dangerous in the wastes. He’s got something special going on, but I can’t figure out what. He’s well fortified and shooting at me with a minigun. Jet time. Two deaths later and I finally get the hang of it. Throwing grenades does only a little damage, but clears his cover and gives me a better shot. I haven’t had much experience with ways to affect and destroy the environment. Now I’m wondering if I could clear other areas where crates are stacked next to a door with grenades.


Stepping through the smoking rubble, I find the reason this guy gave me so much trouble. He’s decked out in a crude set of Raider Power Armor. I’m not sure whether this will actually function like a power armor suit when all put together or not, but regardless it is too heavy for me to carry around. I briefly consider giving it to my companion, but decide against it. We find some good ammo, a mini nuke, and a missile launcher. Too heavy to carry around, but it should fetch a great price. The minigun will as well. I give the minigun to MacReady and then decide to bed down for the night. There are two mattresses nearby.

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